Lotus 15


Meeting Date Race Driver Number Result
9th Lady Wigram Trophy 1960-01-23 9th Lady Wigram Trophy Palmer, Jim (K. J.) 6
7th Dunedin Road Race 1960-01-30 7th Dunedin Road Race Palmer, Jim (K. J.) 41 4
3rd Teretonga International 1960-02-06 3rd Teretonga International Palmer, Jim (K. J.) 6
2nd Waimate 50 1960-02-13 2nd Waimate 50 Palmer, Jim (K. J.) 8
1st Renwick 50 1960-11-12 1st Renwick 50 Palmer, Jim (K. J.) 29
Dunedin Festival Championship Road Race (8th Dunedin Road Race) 1961-01-28 Dunedin Festival Championship Road Race (8th Dunedin Road Race) Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) 41 6
4th Teretonga International 1961-02-04 4th Teretonga International Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) DNS
3rd Waimate 50 1961-02-11 3rd Waimate 50 Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) 41 DNF
4th Waimate 50 1962-02-10 Sports Car Race Moffat, A. F. 41
4th Waimate 50 1962-02-10 NZ Specials and Racing Cars Moffatt, A. F. 41
3rd Renwick 50 1962-11-10 Sports Racing Cars and Production Sports Cars Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) 66
3rd Renwick 50 1962-11-10 NZ Specials and Racing Cars Moffat, A. F.
3rd Renwick 50 1962-11-10 3rd Renwick 50 Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) 66 DNS
5th Waimate 50 1963-02-02 5th Waimate 50 Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) 4 6
4th Renwick 50 1963-11-16 4th Renwick 50 Porter, Barry (B. E.) 33
2nd Bay of Plenty Road Race 1963-12-28 2nd Bay of Plenty Road Race Porter, Barry (B. E.)
6th Waimate 50 1964-02-01 6th Waimate 50 Porter, Barry (B. E.) 40 6
5th Renwick 50 1964-11-14 5th Renwick 50 Porter, Barry (B. E.) 12
10th Dunedin Road Race 1965-02-06 Dunedin Festival Road Race (10th Dunedin Road Race) Porter, Barry (B. E.) 3 5
7th Waimate 50 1965-02-13 7th Waimate 50 Porter, Barry (B. E.) 40 DNF
8th Waimate 50 1966-02-05 8th Waimate 50 Porter, Barry (B. E.) 40 DNS
2nd Timaru Trophy 1968-02-03 Sports Car Race Armstrong, J 4