Race Meeting

Name 3rd Renwick 50
Location Renwick Street Circuit
Date 10/11/1962 (prev) (next)
Organiser Marlborough Car Club

Race 1 - Saloon Car Race (up to 1200cc)
Race 2 - Sports Car Race
Race 3 - Saloon Car Race (over 1200cc)
Race 4 - NZ Specials and Racing Cars Race
Race 5 - All-comer Saloon Cars Race
Race 6 - Renwick 50

Programme Have
Programme Filename


Race Name 3rd Renwick 50
Date 10/11/1962

Race 6.


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Hyslop, Angus (A. N.) Cooper T53 31 1 1
Amon, Chris (C. A.) Maserati 250F 38 6 2
Cottle, Barry (B. J.) Lola Mk1 57 5 3
Histed, John (J. C. N.) Lola Mk2 33 7 4
Smith, Bob (R. H.) Ferrari Super Squalo 555 34 8 5
Eade, Bob (W. R.) Maserati 250F 23 4 DNF
Stanton, Morrie (M. F.) Stanton-Corvette 17 2 DNF
Shelly, Tony (A. L.) Lotus 18/21 1 3 DNF
Campion, Basil Lotus 11 35 DNS
Thomasen, Bill (W. J.) Cooper-Climax 9 DNS
Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) Lotus 15 66 DNS
Race Name Saloon Cars up to 1200cc
Date 10/11/1962

Race 1.
8 Laps. 12 Miles.
Two classes - up to 850cc and 851cc to 1200cc


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Mullins, Jim Mini Cooper 11 1
Whitehead, C. B. Ford Anglia 37 2
Prattley, A. K. Triumph Herald 20 3
Harris, R. S. Austin Mini 3 4
Hodge, W. D. Morris Mini 15 5
Overton, E. H. Austin Mini 29 6
Dunlop, D. Austin A35 12
Stanton, Dennis (D. F.) Morris Mini 19
Race Name Sports Racing Cars and Production Sports Cars
Date 10/11/1962

Race 2.
10 Laps. 15 Miles.
Two classes - Up to 1500cc and over 1500cc


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Bell, A. D. Porsche 26 1
Stewart, Robert (R. J.) Sunbeam Alpine 42 2
Cottle, B. J. Lola Climax 57 3 Leading until accelerator linkage broke just before the finish
Preston, P. R. Buckler 90 32 4
Monk, B. Sabre 40 DNF Overheating
Alison, D. Austin Healey DNF Overheating
Campion, Basil Lotus 11 35
McKay, G. J. MGA Twin Cam 36
Porter, Barry (B. E.) Triumph TR2 39
Mackle, T. Jaguar XK120 30 Programme lists T. Mackle but A. J. Mackie from newspaper is consistent with entry in 62
Moffatt, Arthur (A. F.) Lotus 15 66
Lawrence, D. Lola Possible entrant
Hurley, A. L. Cooper Bristol Possible entrant
Darrell, Wally ACE Special Possible entrant
Race Name Saloon Cars Over 2000cc
Date 10/11/1962

Race 3.
8 Laps. 12 Miles.
Two classes - 1201cc to 2000cc and Over 2000cc


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Dow, Ian (F. I.) Jaguar 3.8 1
Archibald, Ray (R. J. N.) Jaguar 3.8 8 2
Mills, M. B. Singer Gazelle 5 3 1st in class
McBeath, Alister (A. M.) Jaguar 3.8 14
Macdonald, R. Zephyr 7
Thomson, G. R. Zephyr 43
Money, J. H. Ford V8 41
Rowe, B. J. Singer Gazelle 2
Pethig, I. G. Wolseley 1500 6
Langley, Dick (R. B.) Humber 80 10 2nd in class
Masters, N. A. Zephyr 16
Milligan, A. L. Chevrolet Coupe 18
Rouse, D. L. Zephyr 21
Beetham, A. O. Jaguar 3.8 22 Beetham, T. in newspaper but A. O. in programme
Craw, D. Hillman 24
Marwood, Dennis (D. J.) Humber 80 25
Silvester, Ron (R. A.) Chevrolet Coupe 27
Race Name NZ Specials and Racing Cars
Date 10/11/1962

Race 4.
10 Laps. 15 Miles.
Two Classes - Up to 2000cc and Over 2000cc
For those not entered or not qualifying for the Renwick 50.


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Rutherford, Ron (R. S.) 260M Zephyr 4 1
Stewart, Robert (R. J.) Sunbeam Alpine 42 2
Preston, P. R. Buckler 90 32 3 1st in class
Darrell, Wally ACE Special
Hurley, A. L. Cooper Bristol Possible entrant
Kingston, J. L. JBM Ford 74 2nd in class
Alexander, G. W. HWM
Hyslop, A. Cooper
Porter, Barry (B. E.) Triumph TR2 39
Monk, B. Sabre
Eade, Bob (W. R.) Maserati
Mackle, T. Jaguar XK120 30
Blackburn, B. R. Maserati 4CLT 46
Moffat, A. F. Lotus 15
Race Name All-comer Saloon Cars

Race 5.
8 Laps. 12 Miles
Two Classes - Up to 2000cc and Over 2000cc
Saloons and coupes not necessarily complying with production regulations. 8 Laps. 12 Miles.


Driver Car Number Grid Result Time Notes
Archibald, Ray (R. J. N.) Jaguar 3.8 8 1
Tait, Giff (G. H.) Chevrolet 28 2
Mills, M. B. Singer 5 3 1st in class
Monk, B. Sabre 40
Overton, E. H. Mini Austin 29
Thomson, G. R. Zephyr 43
Money, J. H. Ford V8 41
Macdonald, R. Zephyr 7
Harris, R. S. Austin Mini 3
Pethig, I. G. Wolseley 1500 6
Langley, Dick (R. B.) Humber 80 Not in programme
Mullins, Jim Mini Cooper 11
Dunlop, D. Austin A35 12
McBeath, Alister (A. M.) Jaguar 3.8 14
Hodge, W. D. Morris Mini 15
Masters, N. A. Zephyr 16
Milligan, A. L. Chevrolet Coupe 18
Stanton, Dennis (D. F.) Morris Mini 19
Rouse, D. L. Zephyr 21
Beetham, A. O. Jaguar 3.8 22
Craw, D. Hillman 24
Marwood, Dennis (D. J.) Humber 80 25
Bell, A. D. Porsche 26 2nd in class
Silvester, Ron (R. A.) Chevrolet Coupe 27



Sergent.com.au NZ Motor Racing
Press, 9 November 1962
Has entry lists
Press, 12 November 1962