Triumph TR2


Meeting Date Race Driver Number Result
2nd NZ International Grand Prix 1955-01-08 2nd NZ International Grand Prix Bern, Wally DNS
2nd NZ International Grand Prix 1955-01-08 2nd NZ International Grand Prix Jensen, Ross (W. P. R.) 18 9
5th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1955-02-05 15 Mile REDeX Sports and Saloon Car Handicap Race Shaw, H. W. 4
5th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1955-02-05 15 Mile REDeX Sports and Saloon Car Handicap Race Roper, K. 41 7
5th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1955-02-05 5th CWF Hamilton Trophy Bristed, Ted (E. J.) 9 Ret
5th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1955-02-05 5th CWF Hamilton Trophy Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 8
5th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1955-02-05 5th CWF Hamilton Trophy Rutherford, Duncan (D. H.) 3 7
6th Ohakea Trophy 1955-03-05 6th Ohakea Trophy McDougall, John
6th Ohakea Trophy 1955-03-05 6th Ohakea Trophy Orr, M
6th Ohakea Trophy 1955-03-05 6th Ohakea Trophy Bern, Wally (S. W.)
7th NZ Championship Road Race (3rd Dunedin Road Race) 1955-04-09 7th NZ Championship Road Race Bristed, Ted (E. J.) 9 DNF
7th NZ Championship Road Race (3rd Dunedin Road Race) 1955-04-09 7th NZ Championship Road Race Rutherford, Duncan (D. H.) 3 9
3rd NZ Grand Prix 1956-01-07 3rd NZ Grand Prix Bristed, Ted (E. J.) DNQ
8th NZ Championship Road Race (4th Dunedin Road Race) 1956-01-28 Sports and Racing Cars 30 Mile Handicap Rutherford, Duncan (D. H.) 3
8th NZ Championship Road Race (4th Dunedin Road Race) 1956-01-28 Sports and Racing Cars 30 Mile Handicap Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 6
1st South Island Championship Road Race - 6th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1956-02-04 1st South Island Championship Road Race - 6th CWF Hamilton Trophy Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 6
1st South Island Championship Road Race - 6th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1956-02-04 All Comers Handicap Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 6
1st Southland Road Race 1956-02-11 Sports Car Race Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 37
7th Ohakea Trophy 1956-03-03 7th Ohakea Trophy McDougall, John
7th Ohakea Trophy 1956-03-03 7th Ohakea Trophy Robinson, S DNA
7th Ohakea Trophy 1956-03-03 7th Ohakea Trophy Henderson, B DNA
7th Ohakea Trophy 1956-03-03 7th Ohakea Trophy Hobbs, B
9th NZ Championship Road Race - 2nd Southland Road Race 1957-02-16 Sports Car Race Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 5
2nd South Island Championship Road Race - 7th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1957-02-23 Sports Car Handicap Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 27 1
2nd South Island Championship Road Race - 7th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1957-02-23 2nd South Island Championship Road Race - 7th CWF Hamilton Trophy Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 4
2nd South Island Championship Road Race - 7th CWF Hamilton Trophy 1957-02-23 2nd South Island Championship Road Race - JF Tutton Trophy Monk, June (Mrs. J. C.) 27 12
2nd Teretonga International 1959-02-07 Sports and Racing Cars Wills, I. Y. 42
3rd Waimate 50 1961-02-11 Sports Car Race Taylor, G. F. 64
3rd Renwick 50 1962-11-10 NZ Specials and Racing Cars Porter, Barry (B. E.) 39
3rd Renwick 50 1962-11-10 Sports Racing Cars and Production Sports Cars Porter, Barry (B. E.) 39
5th Waimate 50 1963-02-02 Sprage Motors Ltd Sports Car Race Porter, Barry (B. E.) 2
6th Renwick 50 1965-11-13 Publicans Race for Sports Cars and Specials Burgess, R. 59
6th Renwick 50 1965-11-13 All-comer Saloons - Heat 2 - Cars over 1500cc Burgess, R. J. 59
6th Renwick 50 1965-11-13 Sports Cars and Specials Burgess, R. 59